Month: August 2022

Pchum Ben: A Sacred Cambodian Tradition Honoring Ancestors

Cambodian families gathering at a pagoda during Pchum Ben Pchum Ben, or Ancestors’ Day, is a deeply rooted 15-day festival in Cambodian culture, held ...

The Kathina Festival in Cambodia

The Purposes of Kathina celebration The Kathina festival comes at the end of the three-month rainy season retreat for Theravada Buddhists in Bangladesh, Cambodia, ...

BBQ Soup in Brawley Aek Phnom in Battambang ញ៉ាំស៊ុបនៅផ្លូវប្រ​​ឡាយដូនទាវឯកភ្នំខេត្តបាត់ដំបង ​​

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Selling Palm Seeds Fruits By Nation Highway 10 Close to Phnom Sampov លក់ផ្លែត្នោតនៅ​ក្បែភ្នុំសំពៅ

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Bong General eating Mee Kola in Battambang ញ៉ាំមីកាឡានៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Phsar Potivong in Battambang Province 2022 ផ្សារពោធិវង្សនៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Khmer Calendar: Holiday and Ceremony

Below is the information about the holiday and ceremony dates that are released officially by the government of Cambodia for 2023. Note: the adjustments ...

Phsar Noria in Battambang Province ផ្សារនរានៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Khmer Selling food and Desserts at Angle Cruze Park in Stockton ខ្មែរលក់ម្ហូបនៅសួន​ Stockton

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Bong General Pick Wild Plums in Oregon បង General បេះផ្លុមព្រៃនៅ​ខេត្ត Oregon

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Bong General Digging Horse Neck Clams in Coos Bay , Oregon 2022 ជីកគ្រុមក័សេះនៅខេគ្គ Oregon

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Bong General eating Mee KoLa in Doun Teav Battambang ញ៉ាំមីកាឡានៅសង្កាត់ក្តុលភួមដូនទាវខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Phsar Nat in Battambang Province ផ្សារណាត់នៅខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

Phsar Anlongvel in Sangkae Battambang Province ផ្សារអន្លង់វិលនៅស្រុកសង្កែខេត្តបាត់ដំបង

Hello everyone! Check out our new shop launching with new merchandise! Please input your email to receive updates for our store. Shop BongGeneral Merchandise: ...

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