Kampong Khleang Stilt Village Tour Highlight

Kampong Khleang is a popular destination of Tonle Sap lake.We join the excursion with Baffalo Trails Cambodia tour agency. With their programs given us great experience. We haven’t got food pictures in the video but we had awesome experience with food cooked in the community. First we took a boat driven us around the community ...

Kampong Khleang is a popular destination of Tonle Sap lake.
We join the excursion with Baffalo Trails Cambodia tour agency. With their programs given us great experience. We haven’t got food pictures in the video but we had awesome experience with food cooked in the community. First we took a boat driven us around the community a long the way to see the sunset in the Tonle Sap lake.
After that we stopped by a pagoda and walked to the house. The last thing we did was having a great dinner. We just want to share this authentic experience there. Question us by leaving the comments. You can visit our travel blog for more destinations. www.smileofcambodia.com



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