Popular songs about Battambang of all time

Let the music speaks, let the music describe 🙂This is a small collection of oldie Khmer songs written about Battambang province. What does that mean? Some songs were written to describe about places around the country. Noticeably, Battambang had become a famous province for land of song artists because there were a lot of songs ...

Let the music speaks, let the music describe 🙂
This is a small collection of oldie Khmer songs written about Battambang province. What does that mean? Some songs were written to describe about places around the country. Noticeably, Battambang had become a famous province for land of song artists because there were a lot of songs about this mysterious land. I write this post to remind the popularity and accomplishment about this province.

 The songs describe places, love story, history, life style, … in this province. And what really amazes me most is when I listen to a song that describe an even from place to place, from pagoda to Sangker river, that just provides me lots of imaginations I mean I was in that event in that place at the time. Moreover, the love songs, sad love songs just touch deeply in my heart, it’s when we fall in love and we’re broken heart, when we’re missing someone or homesick or lost of beloved ones. These things are all described in the song.

I recommend when you are in Battambang check the song below and play them. I’ll keep adding more when I find more. Next post I’ll write about new song artist from Battambang who was in Cambodian Idol TV program recently.

Lots of thanks to all singers and song writers in that time. I’ll make more post about them too.
Thanks to the song collection of these channels. Blobal Channel Immortal
khengv visal 


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